Electronics Lab
Customize you product development workstations using a variety of bench equipment to design, test, and product circuit boards in the electronics lab.

Electronic Lab Overview
Product developers can utilize benchtop power supplies, multimeters, oscilloscopes, solder, and rework stations to work through electrical circuit design and development. Load simulators and spectrum analyzers can be used for more in-depth work. Pick and place and reflow equipment gives members the power to populate boards efficiently. Lab staff are available to provide support and members can also tap into the knowledgebase of mHUB’s diverse member community.
1 GHz 4-channel Oscilloscope
4 Channel

4 Channel Oscilloscope
4 Channel

[Electronics Lab] General Information
Electronics lab with the tools to create and test electrical components.

Advanced Solder and Rework Station
Soldering Irons for assembling your electrical components

Benchtop Pick and Place Station
Manual Pick and Place Machine for making single SMT boards

Benchtop Reflow Oven
Batch Reflow Oven
tray size: 250 mm x 200 mm
Standard and Custom Heat Programs

DC Power Analyzer
4 Channel

NeoDen4 Pick and Place Machine
Pick and place System
48 Feeders
Board maximum: 310 x 1500mm

NeoDen4 Reflow Oven
Pick and place System
48 Feeders
Board maximum: 310 x 1500mm

Precision Power Meter
Precision Power Analyzer
0-15V 0-3Amp

Programmable DC Electronic Load
200W Electronic load
40amp 150Volt

Standard bench equipment
Test and analyze circuitry
Power supply 0 - 30V 3 Amp
Spectrum analyzer 150KHz - 1GHz
Frequency generator
Digital multimeter

Standard Solder and Heat Gun Stations
Solder Electronic components

Tour the Prototyping Lab
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